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10 Unseen passage how do you solve in English grammar

  10 Unseen passage how do you solve in English grammar 

unseen passage for class 6, unseen passage for class 4, unseen passage for class 7, how do we solve unseen passage class 12th, grammar unseen passage, unseen passage english grammar, how do we solve an unseen passage

                Unseen passage 

              Exercise -1

Florence nightingale was won at Florence in Italy on 15 May,1820. Her parents called her after the name of the city where she was born. Her sole ambition in life was to be a nurse and so she give up all thoughts of marriage and personal happiness. She spend years visiting hospital after hospital. Day and night, she visited every bed in the hospital to see that no patient was neglected and that all were as comfortable as possible. However hard she might have worked all day, every night she would take her lamp and move from back to bed. The lady with the lamp the shoulders called her and that is the name why which the world has remembered her ever since.


1. What was Florence nightingale's sole ambition?

2. Why did she give up the thought of marriage?

3. Why did she visit every bed?

4. Why did she move at night from bed to bed?

5. Give a suitable heading to the above passage.

             Exercise -2

Subhash Chandra Bose was a great leader of India. His countrymen called him 'Neta ji because he led them on the right path. He was imprisoned many times. But he soon found out that more efforts should be made to make India free. The British power was getting weaker in the Second World War. He thought of shaking it from all sides.

     One day, he escaped from Calcutta in the guise of a 'Pathan' and went to Germany vio Peshawar. From Germany, he went to Japan. He organised the Indian National Army that fought many battles against the British forces. He said to his countryme "Give me blood and I will give you freedom".


1. Why was Subhash Chandra Bose called 'Neta ji'?

2. What was the condition of the British power in the Second World War?

3. How did Subhash Chandra Bose escape from India?

4. What did he say to countrymen?

5. Explain the italicized words in the passage.

                 Exercise - 3

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a man of exemplary character. Thought a great scholar, he was not at all proud. On the contrary, he was very modest. He was an extremely dutiful son and cherished great reverence for his parents. On one occasion, while he was a teacher in the college of fort William his mother wrote to his him to come home to attend his brothers wedding. He applied to his superior officer for leave but was refused. He true upon immediately standard is registation saying that his mother's command was much more important than his service. The officer was impressed why is world Ness and generate him leave.


1. Point out to outstanding qualities of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar?

2. What impressed the officer? What did he do then?

3. Give a suitable title to the above passage?

           Exercise -4

About five hundred years ago, a town called Hamelion, in North Germany was over run with rats. The rats were so big that they used to fight the dogs and kill the cats and bite the babies in the cradles.

     At last all the people come to the town hall to see the mayor who was the chief man of the town. They begged him to do something to rid them of the rats. The next day the mayor held a meeting. A tall man in queer long coat from heel to head entered the hall. He went up to the table and said, "I can rid your town of rats, you pay me one thousand pieces of gold." 

"We shall be glad to give you much more then that, to be rid of the rats," said the mayor.


1. What were the people of Hamelin afraid and of and why?

2. Whom did the people of Hamelin go and what request did they make to him?

3. How was there request accepted?

            Exercise - 5

The Himalaya are beautiful mountains to the north India. They stretch for two thousand miles from Kashmir to Assam. Some of the world's highest peak are in the Himalayas. The highest peak is Mount Everest. The tops of the mountains are covered with snow throughout the year. Therefore, we call than the Himalayas or 'The abode to snow'. There are many beautiful lakes and forest in the Himalayas. Many rivers, the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Brahmaputra and the Beas flow from these mountains. The climate and the scenery of these mountains are so charming that people have built many hill stations there. Many visitors go to the hill stations for pleasure and relaxation.


1. How far do the beautiful mountains of the Himalayas stretch?

2. What other name is the given to the mountains of the Himalayas?

3. What does the word 'Himalayas' stand for?

4. Why do the visitors go to the hill stations?

5. Give a suitable title to the above passage?


Important letter

            Exercise - 6

Mother Teresa was a great lady. She is known all over the world. She helped the poor and the needy.

She served the sick and the homelesses. She was born in August, 1910 in Yugoslavia but she made India her home and lived in Kolkata. She started a home for the orphans. She named it "Nirmal Hridaya". She looked after the sick poor and downtrodden. She even set up homes for leopards who were shunned even their on families. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She was given the 'Bharat Ratna' also.


1. Where was mother Teresa born?

2. What was the name of of mother Teresa orphans?

3. What did mother Teresa do for orphans and lepers?

4. What awards were given to her?

       Exercise - 7

Prince Gautam was married a beautiful princess named yashodhara, at the early age of twenty. But Gautam from his very childhood was of a contemplative mind. The sight of disease, old age and death filled him with sorrow and he found no piece of mind. He passes ten years of his married life in this way, till at the age of thirty a son was born to him. The birth of a child set him a thinking and he was afraid lest this new tie should bind him to the vanities of the world beyond hope to release. Accordingly, one night he secretly left the place leaving everything behind him, his wealth and riches, his wife and baby and his royal home.


1. How old was Prince Gautam when he got married?

2. Why did Prince Gautam not find peace of mind?

3. What did he be going to think when a son was born to him?

4. What did he secretly one night?


           Exercise -8

A man was kept in jail without any fault. When the king visited the jail, he told him that he was innocent. The king found out that it was true. The king game him a sum of money and set him free. He went straight to the market, where some birds were kept in cages for sale. He purchased all the birds from the shopkeeper set them free. At this, the shopkeeper was surprised. Then the men said to him,"if you had been in prison like me for no fault, you would have done the same."


1. What did the man say to the king?

2. Why was the shopkeeper surprised?

3. What did the man do after release the jail?

4. What did the man say to the shopkeeper?


             Exercise -9

Sardar Patel was a stritct man. People call him the "Iron man of India". He was, no doubt, and iron man in the sense that he was an efficient administrator. But as a man to those who had the good fortune of coming into close contact with him, he was kind and gentle. At the times he even become emotional, when his personal friends and followers were concerned. He knew the art of selecting proper man for proper posts. One he judged the man and found him correct, he trusted him fully and go him to do anything he wanted.


1. What was the main quality of sardar Patel?

2. Why do people call him "Iron man of India"?

3. When did he become emotional?

4. What great is skill did Sardar Patel have?

               Exercise - 10

In the north Bhangra Nagal project is another big river valley project. The states of Himachal Pradesh Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi are its beneficiaries.

Bhakra Dam with the height of 225 metres in the world's highest gravity dam constructed across the river Satluj. A huge wall has been built between the hills standing on either side of the river. It is claimed that the cement and concrete used in this dam would be enough to build a highway from Delhi to London. The great man-made lake behind this dam is known as Govind Sagar, named after Guru Gobind Singh.


1. Which is a big river-valley project in the north of our India?

2. Which  states get benefit from the Bhakra Nangal project?

3. How high is the Bhakra dam? How much cement and concrete was used in building it?

4. Why is the man made lake called 'Guru Gobind Sagar'?

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